Hello 2018.

Hi there and Happy New Year!

Hope you had a wonderful festive season and that you made lovely memories with your loved ones!

I had a lovely time with my family, so good that I kinda disconnected from blogging/instagram etc. The heads up to travelling home was a bit hectic and then when I came back got the home blues and meh… was not in the mood to actually write anything! In fact, I was feeling pretty tired and little on the downside that I almost started the new year sleeping! Gladly I woke up around 23:30 and managed to have a glass of champagne when the midnight arrived.

I don’t want this post to be a reflection of 2017 nor a 2018 resolution one, I’ve seen everybody sharing theirs on instagram and to be honest I just don’t feel the same way about it. I think it’s okay to feel “meh” about the year that just passed, I didn’t have a bad year but it was just… “meh” so for all of you that also had a “meh” 2017, you are not alone!

Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful about the most trivial yet important things in life, like health, my family, my friends etc but my point is, it’s okay not to be ecstatic about the new year and not feel bad if your year was not as wonderful as people picture theirs on social media!

Nevertheless, I hope you have a wonderful 2018 and may the new year be everything that you hope for!


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